超越摩尔定律 | Beyond Moore’s Law

Pursuit of high performance computation is endless desire of human being. This desire has given birth to Silicon Valley previously mentioned, modern society and this article. Moors’ Law serves so well in scaling down of transistor and Dennard’s Scaling Theory as more technical guide until very recent. It is very interesting to look into how the skyscraper of computation built up from single transistor to integrated circuit to hardware system such as personal computer, big server, even supercomputer. It is a bottom-up process in which lower level gives solid support to higher level. As maturity of semiconductor industries, society focus shift upwards to levels where holds more innovation and chaos, namely, software and cloud computing. But semiconductor is still a trunk which feeds a whole bunch of branches. How to keep it evergreen? Here are the plans intrigued by Brian’s presentation.

Plan A: Transistor Scaling

Scaling is predicted down to 8 nm. Currently Intel reaches to 22 nm by introduction of tri-gate structure. 3D integration is kind of another way to scale. Stacking of heterogenous IC could give more functions and lower power consumptions per area.

IDF 2011

Plan B: Circuit and System Design

If the physical limit are approaching, here is the near term issue we can look into. Innovations are demanded to optimize IC performance, power and variability. Non-volatile memory and multi-core computation are promising.

Plan C: Exploratory Research

Exotic material such as nanotube, graphene and quantum dot, new device like spintronics, also quantum computation.

A magnetologic gate, which consists of graphene contacted by several magnetic electrodes.



硅谷传奇 | Silicon Valley



Silicon Valley
Secret History of Silicon Valley
A Chronological Timeline of Computer
The Myth Of Silicon Valley

History of Semiconductor_Engineering
Makers of the Microchip A Documentary History of Fairchild Semiconductor
The Silicon Valley of Dreams


   Father of Silicon Valley

Frederick Terman – Stanford Industrial Park

  搞了个科技园区,鼓励学生创立了HP,吸引了Shockley和很多其   他公司,反过来促进了斯坦福大学和伯克利大学的发展。


   Father of Transistor
William Shockley, Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory

充满个性的天才,在Bell实验室跟别人一起搞出了晶体管,获     得了诺贝尔奖,后来离开Bell来到硅谷创立了肖克利半导体实验   室,从东部招来了以下八位年轻科学家。

The Traitorous Eight (仙童八叛逆): Julius BlankVictor GrinichJean HoerniEugene KleinerJay LastGordon MooreRobert Noyce and Sheldon Roberts.

这是肖克利招来的八位年轻人,跟肖克利闹翻之后,他们离开了肖克利半导体实验室,创立了仙童半导体 (Fairchild Semiconductor)。后来仙童半导体里的员工跳槽创立了AMD,后来 Gordon Moore Robert Noyce创立了Intel.


Father of Apple

Steve Jobs, 1955-2011

[1] Silicon Valleys Popping Up Here, There, Everywhere